I am leaving this page standing from the old website the way it was originally written because there are those of you who are not yet ready to jump into straight energy medicine initiated by yourself. That’s ok. Homeopathic and Anthroposopic remedies are the go-between for the change between the old and the new. It encourages a new way of thinking about the expandability, inexhaustibility, unconditionality, and free-ness of energy – positive and loving. Do-It-Yourself!
(1) How to Take Homeopathic Remedy
Do not touch the pellets because they are an energy medicine not a quantitative conventional medication. Use the cap of the vial to obtain a pellet (one pellet is all you need for one dose but if someone or a pet should accidentally ingest all the pellets at one time then it is still just one dose because it is an energy medicine and not quantitative). Tip the cap so the pellet goes directly into the mouth. Let the remedy dissolve or chew & swallow.
Note: Homeopathic pellets are milk lactose. If you are allergic to milk or sugar or cannot ingest the pellets, then just wear them. I usually keep mine in my jeans pocket. When you keep the vial of a remedy within your aura energy field, it will keep working steadily and gently in the background.
Let’s all share: Perhaps that is the teaching for this ‘pandemic’… These little pellets make more than enough for forever! The way to do it is to ‘extend’ the energetic remedy. Extending a remedy does not make it less potent. The easiest way to extend it is to place one pellet in a clean dropper bottle, jar with a lid, or a clean spray bottle. Fill with vodka (any alcohol will do). One spray on skin, or a few drops on skin or in mouth, or taking a teaspoonful at a time is one dose. When the liquid is used to about ¼ full, add more alcohol, shake and use. It still stays potent.
(2) DIY Make it Yourself Home Remedy
Prepare the blank pellets in a glass vial OR prepare clean water or alcohol in a very clean small dropper glass bottle. Gather the supplies of labels and tape. On a label write the name of the remedy you are to make, such as ‘2019nCoV200c + Aconite-n 30c200c1M’. Now attach the label to the vial. Place the blank pellet glass vial or bottle in your right hand and bring it close to your lips. Come to your still place. The still place of silence & love; where you love yourself and everyone else, where love is all there is. Begin to blow on the preparation. While blowing think of the past being to your left… raise your left hand in the past and slowly sweep it from the left toward the center of your body near the vial… bring all the people, all the gods and goddesses, all the known and the unknown benevolent beings… and in gratitude bring their ideas to the present which is right in front of you. Then while blowing on the preparation think of the present time space being right in front of your face… keep your left hand in place in the center of the world in front of you… bring all benevolent energy necessary to this vial at this time to make a remedy NOW. And while blowing on the preparation think of all the good it will do in the future wherever it goes… to whomever it may be given… whatever may be happening in the surroundings… sweep your left hand on through to the future toward the right of you… drop your left hand as the future continues on… notice when the goosebumps began… allow them to continue… if no goosebumps or strange energetic feelings of bliss arise yet… then repeat procedures until you feel the tingle of the change of the energy in the world… honor it all, love it all. Now place the vial in your left hand. Do you feel the new energy? If you do either by tingling or heat or by kinesiology with fingers, body or pendulum, then transfer the vial to your right hand and ask if it is what it says it is by the same kinesiology methods. If you confirm it is then thanking the gods & goddesses all-that-is and in gratitude give the vial of energized pellets over for use. Have fun. If you cannot feel the goosebumps or the energy in the vial or feel the ceremony did not work, then perhaps your magic is off. Wait until you get it on again. Let someone else do the ceremony on the preparation for you. Test it with your way of doing kinesiology. No fear…
- Note: Use blank pellets, alcohol, water, or mild non-allergenic kitchen cooking oil as the medium for the energy. The reason for alcohol is to keep the remedy free of getting ‘stale’ or “bacteria” or “mold”. Water can be used but then change the remedy solution within a day or two before anything grows in it.
- Note: For small children or anyone who wants nothing in their mouth, apply remedies topically. Give orally only when safe. When possible, keep a remedy or 2 in the person’s aura for a continuous gentle-nudging influence, such as in a pocket, a sock or in the bed of a child or pet.
- Note: To replenish a remedy just add more blank pellets to pellets or more alcohol to liquid preparations.
drnancyeos [at] mac [dot] com